
Hanging out upside down.

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

The New Second Life

     So yea, we have been exploring SL for a really long time now. 12 years. And things have changed. Mesh came in, Sims closed down and people changed. Most of the nice people have jumped ship for smoother waters. No one wants drama, but now SL is full of drama.

    75% of males are garbage human beings on SL.
and about 80% of females are also garbage human beings. They say if you can not trust your sis who can you trust? Almost nobody that is who.

     They say keep your friends close and your enemies closer, I say keep your thoughts to yourself and keep a close eye on all the shady people.

      As for talking about shady people let's talk about Safe hub living. Why have a house when you can live in a safe hub hmm? I hope you like going to a shrink for your online drama. Because if any thing in SL could throw you into the arms of a shrink it is these places.

       I hope you like you meds, because these places are not for the mentally ill or the faint at heart. I learned the hard way about the people you meet in these places. Some of the most mentally damaged people are in safe hubs. Then you have the few people left that are kind, that little by little let their kindness be bled out of them after years of being around these people. Abused by these people.

       I find this one of the saddest things about this "game". Friendships that have lasted years broken in safe hubs. Sexual pervs roam them like sharks sniffing for blood. And it matters little if you are married or with someone irl, they try to slimmy up on you anyways. Hopefully you are not having a bad relationship at home , becauses these creeps can smell blood. 

       Now do not get me wrong,  there are still good groups of people out there, but when they hold different hours then you it is kind of hard to meet up and hang out.

        Many talk about the dying of SL. But I would say you could just all move to main land and close down the islands and we would all fit in  the mainland quite nicely. Yes parts of it are dying. Over is the club seen, the Vamp seen, the anime seen. They make way for mesh and the new wave of very young girls and guys coming in to second life. And as such they can be a bunch of pit vipers. Do not show your back. Go to the places that will show you what Second life started as, and if you still want to go to the safe hubs, bring the maryjane, because it is a toxic ride through hell.

Good luck in SL.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Back in the swing of things a bit, Off SL games have taken my time up, but I am trying to get things settled out again. Pictures and posts hopefully will come back up and so will the Advertizing. Need to find a new way to get my stuff put out there. Get some people to share this one their sights.
Or maybe have some friends put it in their picks or Favs.
Anyways Hope to see all of you soon!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Just a few places I have found along the way. Mainly Japanese sims. Hope you all enjoy!

Food Sim
Toki-Doki main shop

.::SPg::. Mainstore

Mary's Little Lamb

*..UchU..* Main shop

Slow Kitchen main shop

tram main shop

Sway's SwayLand

(*^_^*) HPMD, HappyMood



The way it's gonna be, Offbeat

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Raindeer happy.

Wanderings and Mudderings.

I have spent more time wandering as of late. And I found so many wonderful things. I will set them forth to this place as I can. But I think I must make it very very clear that when you send me a note card for me to post I am looking for ultra cute. interesting details and just something that makes the mind boggle.

I am not looking for anything sexual, this is a PG blog, I am a PG person.

I like cute and cute clothes and cute items and cute sims will always be a passion for me. I also love people with a eye to detail. If I think your awesome your going in the blog. If you do not want in like my brother Twiinkle I will not put you in. BUT if you sit in one of my pictures and that picture gets posted you only have your self to blame. So do not get in front of my Camera :P

I do this advertizing for free. So I have total say on what goes. So if you want me to post your sim or store keep in mind that I will not go past PG. If your store has bits hanging out your not going to get posted. Sorry that is just what I had to do. I will look at your PG clothes and maybe I will post if I find you have enough PG stuff for me to post.

Take care and you may see me bouncing around your sim one day or your store.